To our valued clients,
We want to update all of you on our plans for operations as we collectively deal with the COVID-19 virus. The health and wellbeing of our clients is our top priority, as we alter our precautionary methods to meet the ever-changing requirements meant to keep everyone safe.
Sam Tell will remain open for business. We are following the the Centers for Disease Control's “South Korean Model," which has significantly flattened virus spread while keeping the country open. This is a fluid situation and as we have done over the past week, we will review continuously, and revise if necessary. Know that our concern is simple—the well-being of our associates, vendors, and clients today, tomorrow, and going forward.
Please know that we will make decisions in concert with both federal and local guidelines, but also with any eye towards the needs and concerns of our community.
These protocols are being put into place to protect ourselves and to protect others were we to have contracted the virus and be asymptomatic. We must function as a team, as a company, as a civil society, and as a nation, in order to protect ourselves, protect others, protect our overburdened healthcare systems, and flatten out the virus curve.
Workplace Cleanliness
- Wipes have been placed at every desk and associates are responsible for keeping their work areas clean.
- All associates have been provided with a box of gloves. Associates must regularly change to a new pair of gloves.
- All associates have been provided with a mask. The mask must be worn in our offices at all times.
- Gloves and Masks will be worn by all associates at all times when interacting with customers.
- Sales Associates must wear gloves and a mask when visiting clients. As stated above, this regulation is being put into place as much to protect our associates as to prevent us spreading this to others.
- Drivers must wear gloves and masks whenever coming into contact with customers. Gloves will be changed for each delivery.
- Warehouse workers must wear gloves and masks in our warehouse. Gloves will be changed frequently, but at least once hourly.
Thank you,
Marc Tell
Sam Tell Companies